GNC Letters (FREE, RSVP link attached)

FAHASS PRIDE CENTER 4343 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

Heather Tiffany LPC is offering pro-bono GNC medical letters to those in need with the help of Fredericksburg Pride. Time slots are extremely limited - RSVP is required. (10:00AM) […]

Transgender Support Meeting by Forging a Community Transgender Support Group

FAHASS PRIDE CENTER 4343 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

Fredericksburg Pride is happy to announce that FXBG FACTS - Forging a Community Transgender Support is now a program of FXBG PRIDE. Under our umbrella, "FACTS" will still operate regularly. You can join FACTS at their monthly support meeting. Support meeting is typically at 6:15pm every first Thursday at the Pride Center FXBG (Entrance through […]

Transgender Support Meeting by Forging a Community Transgender Support Group

FAHASS PRIDE CENTER 4343 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

Fredericksburg Pride is happy to announce that FXBG FACTS - Forging a Community Transgender Support is now a program of FXBG PRIDE. Under our umbrella, "FACTS" will still operate regularly. You can join FACTS at their monthly support meeting. Support meeting is typically at 6:15pm every first Thursday at the Pride Center FXBG (Entrance through […]