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These resources can help individuals navigate the unique challenges they may face. We believe in providing free access to these resources, the LGBTQIA+ community can feel empowered to live their lives authentically and with pride.
**Any in-person resources listed are local resources only (events, groups, medical, mental health, businesses, etc.**
Groups and Events
All Womens S2LGBTQIA+ Group
Hosted by Fredericksburg Pride
*Last Monday Every Month 6:30PM-8:30PM
Forging a Community Transgender Support
Hosted by FXBG PRIDE – Every 1st Thursday at the Pride Center
FXBG / Spotsy LGBT
Hosted by Fredericksburg Pride
Monthly Meetup – Every last Thursday (Location changes based on nights event)
Gay + Bi Men of Fredericksburg
Hosted by FAHASS
Womens Lesbian and Bi of Fredericksburg
Hosted by FAHASS
Queer Coffee Connections
Hosted by FAHASS PRIDE CENTER – Every Friday @ Curitaba
UMW Safe Zone Program
Womxns Group of Ashland
Hosted by Commonwealth Clinical Services LLP
* 1st Saturday Every Month 10AM-12PM
Literature Written by Local LGBTQIA+ Authors
Hung Like a Seahorse: A Real-Life Transgender Adventure of Tragedy, Comedy, and Recovery
Author: Quinn Alexander Fontaine
Flight of the Beautiful Lie: A Memoir
Author: Jasmine Ford
The Boy Beneath My Skin: A Black Trans Man Living in the South
Author: Charley Burton
Between Heaven and Hell is Gray
Author: J.R. Masterson
Ember of a New World
Author: Ishtar Watson
1. Fire's Hope
2. Laevatein's Choice
3. Halo's Rag Doll
4. Nova 's Love
Author: E. Kathryn
Also Your Daughters
Author: Becki Beasley
Timeline of LGBT History in Virginia and the United States
Rainbow Reads
Hosted by Rappahannock Regional Library and Fredericksburg Pride
Suitable for: Adults + Seniors
Meets: August: Fourth Wednesday of the month,
September + Last Wednesday of the month at the Downtown Fredericksburg Branch / Virtual
LGBTQ+ Teen Book Group
Hosted by Rappahannock Regional Library and Fredericksburg Pride
Suitable for: Teens grades 6-12 only
Suitable for: Teens grades 6-12 only
Meets: August: Third Tuesday of the Month at the Downtown Fredericksburg Branch / Virtual
Barnes and Noble - LGBT+ Book Club
Suitable for: Adults + Seniors
Meets: Last Wednesday of the month in the Central Park Barnes and Noble
Youth and Parent / Guardian Support (Local)
Parents Resource Guide
Other Parent Groups
Youth Housing
LGBTQ+ Youth Group
Universal Unitarian Fellowship of FXBG – Every third Friday from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
FXBG PRIDE Parents and Guardians Lunch
Bi-Monthly on Sundays (Location changes based on nights event)
LGBTQ+ Teen Book Group
Hosted by Rappahannock Regional Library and Fredericksburg Pride
Suitable for: Teens grades 6-12 only
Meets: 6:30-7:30 – Third Tuesday of the Month at the Downtown Fredericksburg Branch / Virtual
For student safety we do not have this listed publicly. Please contact us to see if your school has a GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliannce) or LGBTQIA+ Club!
Interested in starting a GSA in YOUR school?
He, She, Ze, and We Parents and Guardians of Trans / Nonbinary Teens Meetup
3rd Fridays
Medical Resources (Local)
Primary Care
Mosaic Care Center
Confidential Appointments
STI Testing
Primary Care
Mental Health
Transgender Health Care
CVHS - Central Virginia Health Services
Behavioral Health
Addiction Treatment
Navigating Gender affirming Care
Mary Washington Healthcare: The Wellness Program
Virginia Transgender Resource and Referral List
Veteran Health Care For Gay, Bisexual, & Queer Men
Substance Abuse Treatment
Mental Health Resources (Local)
Mental Health American of Fredericksburg
Lighthouse Counseling of Fredericksburg
Addiction counseling
LGBTQIA Identity
Surgical/Insurance Letters for surgery/hormone replacement
Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB)
Mental Health
Developmental Disability
Substance Use Disorder
Early Intervention
Phases Therapy and Counseling
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
RCASA - Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault
Personal Growth & Development +
LGBTQIA+ Friendly Scholarships
Healthy Humaning Institute
Lotus Lifestyle - Self Love Scientist: Victoria Icenhower
1:1 Virtual Coaching for those struggling with self confidence, love and seek to create a bright and empowered lifestyl
If you’ve felt confined by societal, parental & religious expectations in gender roles or judgment related to your sexual desires or self-expression, this program will empower you to break free and embrace your authenticity unapologetically.
Each coaching package includes 4-6 sessions, resource folder, self care kit & more!
LGBTQIA+ Discrimination in the Workplace
Appropriate Interview Questions in the Workplace
Resources for LGBTQIA+ Job Seekers
Support for National Coming Out Day

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Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB)
Serving the City of Fredericksburg and the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford. “At RACSB, we are committed to helping community members lead the best lives possible. We help babies speak their first words and adults with severe mental illness take their first steps back into the community. Whether you have a brief bout of depression, a debilitating mental illness, or a crippling addiction, we have outpatient services to help. For adults with developmental disabilities and their families, we offer top-notch care. We have proudly served the Fredericksburg community since 1970, and we are here to help.”